Thursday 8 May 2008

Comment.....Two :)

Comment Uno

This is my comment on Paul Beades post on football hooliganism :)

Questionaire of death



Film Studies

No, it does not relate to my other subjects very well, expect for maybe the bad cinema topic

The things I have leaned in Film Studies do not really releate, i.e mise-en-scene etc

Being Bad wasn't difficult, it wasn't really easy but it wasn't too demanding

I enjoyed the list of topics we did, they were all entertaining and providing exciting debate

I would like to have seen something about war, or conflict, purely for its recent hype in the media

The format for lectures were questionable, I think a topic cannot be utilized well with a huge room full of people, there wasn't enough student/lecturer connection

The module team was entertaining and on the whole helped with my understanding of the course.

I enjoyed the course, I enjoyed the fact it was interdisaplinary however I don't think the topics we covered were focused on aswell. Unfortunately this is to the length of the lecture and havung to deal with people talking at the back.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Death By Music

Marilyn Manson - Evil Anti-christ or victim of the media?
On April 20th 1999, a high school in Columbine, Colorado USA was attacked by two of it's own students. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher with 2 9mm and two shotguns, causing a huge amount of pain and suffering for the school and it's victims families.
After the massacre, Eric and Dylan Killed themselves. However the aftermath of columbine rages on, with the call for gun control to be established and the end of 'music tyrants' such as Marilyn Manson. All because the killers listened to and were fans of Marilyn Manson.
Themes used in Mansons songs do include sex, violence, drugs and murder however, so the link between the shooting and his musical themes can be made, but I personally disagree with the accusations made towards the artist.
Computer games such as Grand Theft Auto can openly be linked towards violence with it's brash use of murder and death, but I feel musical links are much harder to tar. For me music is all about perception, and the way in which lyrics and music is presented is different for every listener. I hope people feel the same, comment please :)
For a deeper insight into the Columbine shooting I recommend watching 'Bowling For Columbine' directed by Micheal Moore -

Monday 5 May 2008

Smoke On The Water

Since the smoking ban introduced in the summer of 2007, hordes of nicotine craving addicts said goodbye the warm and rain free smoking areas in the pubs and clubs across the country. Outcries of pain have been screamed as man and woman alike have been poured upon whilst having to stand in the blistering cold whilst non smokers happily frolick amongst the healthy.

Is the smoking ban for the better or for the worse? For a non smoker like myself I can honestly say it's brilliant, no longer do my clothes smell of smoke when I leave a club or pub, I can eat in a restaurant without my food being tainted by the death stick opposite me, and I can see across the room without a cloud of nicotine hiding the path ahead. However as a few of my friends are smokers I can understand their pain. I wouldn't want to have to leave the comfort of my bar stool to stand in the cold and smoke.

It's interesting however the comradery smokers have with each other. It seems that being made to be together, smokers are forced into some sort of social situation, maybe to talk about their angst who knows. if your feeling brave enjoy these facts on why smoking is so popular :)

Sunday 4 May 2008

Cat Man

This is Dennis Abner, better known as

Dennis has spent over $150,000 and over 2000 hours on body modifications to transform himself into a tiger.

Amongst his extensive body modification Dennis has undergon full body tattooing, (including even his eye lids), lip reshaping, tooth caping, ear clipping and fibreglass whisker implants in his face.
To add the finnishing touches Dennis wears green contact lenses everday and dies his hair orange.

Why? Because an Indian cheif visited him in a dream and told him to "follow the ways of the tiger" Why else?!

Thursday 1 May 2008

Liar Liar

After today's lecture on lying with integrity , I had a deep and meaningful conversation with my fellow blogger Micheal about the band we are in (The Cubans :) shameful plug). After discussing the new double A single we are releasing (see a pattern emering :P) , it occured to me that lying is so natural, so unconscious that it can easily roll off the tongue. The lying in question involved our musical direction and how I saw things, however truthfully I was hoping for something quite different.

The question is, why did I lie? After the different reasons mentioned in todays lecture, I couldnt pinpoint an exact excuse. I wasn't protecting my friend from any harm, I wasn't ensuring any personal gain or creating any power for myself. I came to realize that sometimes lies are used in a way of creating bonds in conversation, as I agreed with Micheal on many things. Does this mean I am false in my opinions if I altered what I said to what I think? I hope that instead of being a lie, it would be seen as a platform for further conversation on music.

Lying in a more serious manner however can be pinpointed as 'being bad' and for justified reasons. Such as lying to a court when you have commited a serious offense. There is a strong difference to having personal gain from lying and plain hurting someone.

The word 'lie' in my opinion refers to the consequence of a negative action, as when you think of the word lie it comes across in a bad way. However I feel some lies are perfectely justified as long as no one is hurting because of it.

This website gives a great explation of different types of liars, from compulsive through to habitual. However I give you warning, you may never trust anyone.............again

Sunday 27 April 2008

You Can't Kill The Metal!

This is Zoe and me, I have zero metal in my face, however Zoe has lots, why so?
Piercings are one of the most common types of mainstream body modification, with a vast majority of people in the UK having been pierced at some point in their lives. One reason for this may include the rising popularity of piercings within the celebrity world. Many celebrities such as Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton etc have been pierced. Could these 'role models' be giving an impressionable youth the idea to be pierced?

Zoe has had more than her fair share of piercings, including:
  • 6 ear piercings plus 8mm flesh tube in right lobe

  • 3 nose piercings, either side and septum

  • Labret (lip) piercing

  • Tongue piercing

  • Navel piercing

  • Nipple piercings (both)

  • Eyebrow piercing

Amongst these piercings, Zoe claims that her septum and nipple piercings hurt the most, with her tongue piercing going septic. Why would someone risk their health for fashion?

For this vast amount of metal work (15 altogether FFS!), a hefty price must be paid. On an average pricing for modern day piercing, all this work comes to a staggering.......


The price of a Playstation 3 Package


5 Cows in India!

Is the cost of fashion really worth 5 cows???

Source -

Thursday 21 February 2008

It's Best To Test

I think we should all go to one of my bands gigs, we need new fans :D