Thursday 8 May 2008

Questionaire of death



Film Studies

No, it does not relate to my other subjects very well, expect for maybe the bad cinema topic

The things I have leaned in Film Studies do not really releate, i.e mise-en-scene etc

Being Bad wasn't difficult, it wasn't really easy but it wasn't too demanding

I enjoyed the list of topics we did, they were all entertaining and providing exciting debate

I would like to have seen something about war, or conflict, purely for its recent hype in the media

The format for lectures were questionable, I think a topic cannot be utilized well with a huge room full of people, there wasn't enough student/lecturer connection

The module team was entertaining and on the whole helped with my understanding of the course.

I enjoyed the course, I enjoyed the fact it was interdisaplinary however I don't think the topics we covered were focused on aswell. Unfortunately this is to the length of the lecture and havung to deal with people talking at the back.

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